Saturday, October 20, 2007

Ellowyne Day 2

ELLOWYNE Challenge
Day 2 (Thursday)

Well, I thought I had made my fabric selection before I went to bed... but... I've changed my mind... I am a little confused, as I want to create a moody outfit for Nevermore, but at the same time don't want to be boring... ? I am thinking Crushed Velvet... Grey Plaid... textured stockings... head wear of some kind...

Just finished her pleated skirt...
I think it is what I wanted... but I won't know until l make up her jacket and top and then I'll see the whole picture.
I have the other pieces all cut out and ready to put together except for her 'corset' as I'm still not sure what fabric I'm using for it.

Day3 (Friday)
I am having a heck of a time with this challenge... not inspired... I think the email from Ted that said he didn't want all 'black' outfits threw me off a bit... being creative, for me, means doing what I think is best... not that I was doing all black anyway, but if I feel that black is right then I should use it... no?
I went out for the day... wandered around my 2 favourite fabric shops...
Came up with a new idea! The gorgeous pleated skirt I made isn't going to be used now...


dalsdolls said...

Love, love, loved reading your blog. You are so honest and generous it makes me "feel" what you went through. Cannot wait to see your Ellowyne design. i sspect it will be thrilling!

Debbie T said...

Hi Dal...
Thanks so much for your support!
Each Challenge has been quite a grueling experience... It was difficult to make the time to keep a journal as well as take pics of the process...
I am happy with my Ellowyne outfit, hope you like it too! ;)
