Friday, October 26, 2007

Ellowyne Challenge final Journal entries

I purchased some 'amethyst' chiffon, as well as satin, and some black satin...

I made a tiered skirt from the chiffon and I was almost 2 hrs trying to get the proper tension on my serger for the hem... pulled an all nighter and got the skirt put together as well as the crushed velvet jacket...

11 am (Saturday) still haven't been to bed...

Day 4 (Saturday)

Today, (once I get up from a nap) I will be concentrating on her corset and lace top.

Did the finishing touches on the Crushed Velvet Jacket... Just have to hand sew a few things.
Cut out and made her little corset... not much work to this, as she is pretty much straight through her midriff section. Fits like a glove.

Day 5 (Sunday)
Well today is finishing up day... snaps, hand sewing and hope to make something for her head... that will be my 5th piece, and can be switched from Hat to Headband.

This challenge has been a little stressful for me, as I just could not decide on fabrics and design... but I am pleased with how this little outfit came out in the end.

I should be able to take my pictures tomorrow, pack it up and send it out... a day early!

Day 6 (Monday)

Everything is completed and I'll be taking my pictures today...

Had a horrible time with my camera... out of 80 shots I have only about 6 or 8 that turned out alright... so shipping won't be a day early after all!
All items are sewn onto a card and ready to ship...
Glad this one is over!

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